Genesis Day 50: Creating a New Culture…The Middle (Part 2 of 3)

“It’s a mess.” That is what I thought. We were in the middle of trying to transform ourselves, and our company. When you are halfway there, you still have “large chunks” of your life, your work, your company—that when you look at them—it appears as if nothing has changed. You know you cannot go back to the way things were. What do you do?

I have been suggesting that as we read chapters 30-32 of Genesis, we are witnessing the transformation of a man and a family. This is not just any family. It is the family God will use to launch the nation of Israel…

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Genesis Day 49: Creating a New Culture…Amid Stress (Part 1 of 3)

It is one thing to live into a new culture in a season when everything is going well. It is quite another to live your culture amid envy, affliction, and even hatred. Many companies and many people seek to create a new chapter in their lives—be it a new corporate culture or a new and improved individual personality. Trying to turn the corner is hard. Doing it in a swamp of jealously and loathing is more than difficult. You try to hold onto your newfound principles and stay above it. Yet even the most motivated, newly-minted saint will falter. What does this have to do with Genesis 30?

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Genesis Day 48: God’s Best-laid Plans…and Us

Some days I think I am doing okay following Jesus. It is not that I have erased my history (I know where I have disappointed God), but in the “here and now” I feel like I am doing okay. I am reading my Bible, saying my prayers, I haven’t lost my patience, and in general, I have kept my emotions in check. Then it happens. Things don’t go my way, or a difficult event takes place, or an important relationship falls apart. I find myself asking God, “Why did You let this happen?” I wonder, is that what Jacob is asking here in Genesis 29?

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Genesis Day 47: Defining Moments

Most days, most of us go through the regular motions of life. We wake up, follow our routines, and press on. It is also true that most of us have had major defining moments. I have a bunch of these moments. We all do. Some are huge, life-altering events. Some of those events are full of joy and some are full of pain. Regardless, we have them. And we have been reading about them in Genesis.

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Genesis Day 46: The Bible doesn’t sugarcoat life and the knuckleheads that fill it

There are days in our lives when people act out in the craziest of ways. There were those days, those people, in the Bible, too. The amazing thing about the Bible, though, is that it communicates, rather than sugarcoats, those kinds of stories. Today, in Genesis 27, I find one of these situations.

The situations in the Bible often give me pause. I find myself thinking that this is the inerrant Word of God, and yet it is simultaneously communicating a real event in real people’s lives, people who are part of God amazing plan. And today, those people seem to be—at best—knuckleheads.

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Genesis Day 45: In the Middle of a Mess…Look for God!

Ever find yourself in the middle of a mess? Kind of a silly question—after all, who hasn’t? Messes… I have noticed something: in the middle of every bad decision I have ever made, every bad investment I ever chose, every poor hire I have ever selected, there is one common denominator: ME! Remarkably God shows up amid our self-made disasters—so look for Him! Why do I bring this up with Genesis 26? Because Isaac has created a mess. He, like his father…

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David J Collum
Genesis Day 44: If I Could Just Get All My Questions Answered…

As a family awaits a baby, everyone, not just mom, is filled with all sorts of questions. Perhaps the most common: “Is it a boy, or a girl?” In the past, you waited 40 weeks for that answer.

Nowadays we can have the answer much quicker. In fact, the list of tests an expectant mother will go through (to answer all sorts of questions about her baby) is long. People have all sorts of opinions about the tests, but they reinforce an all-too-human belief: if we can just get all the questions answered, if we can just remove all the uncertainty, then we can move faster, get more done, and our lives will be better. Removing uncertainty isn’t a bad thing—until it becomes the only thing.

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Genesis Day 43: Living a Well-Lived Life

Most of us want to live a “well-lived” life. When I am “on my game” I want to do that for God’s glory, and not my own.

There are events in our lives that have a way of bringing into focus how well we have lived. A funeral is, perhaps, the ultimate event on this earth which brings this into focus. Today we come to a funeral—Abraham’s.

Births, baptisms, graduations, weddings, funerals… these milestones give us cause to reflect intentionally on the guest(s) of honor. They are typically (or at least, hopefully!) joyful occasions filled with praise and positive memories. Friends and families gather, but sometimes they do so for better or for worse! Relationships can be… well… tricky, can’t they?

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Genesis Day 42: God Loves | Love Stories

Breakfast at Tiffany's, When Harry Met Sally, Roman Holiday…the list of romantic movies is long. When the latest romantic movie arrives at the silver-screen, are you the kind of person who can’t wait to see it, or do you run the other way? Why do I ask? Because Genesis 24 is a rather long love story. It ends with, “And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac…”

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Genesis Day 41: Showing Honor

There is a mental exercise that personal coaching consultants perform with their clients. They usually show an emotional video about a life-well-lived, and then they ask, “When you die, what do you want written on your tombstone?” Or a variation such as, “What would you like said about you at your funeral?”vMost of us want to be remembered well, especially by those we love.

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Genesis Day 40: Our Job - Show Up & Trust God

“I don’t want to go. I have no idea why God would want me to endure such pain!” That was my plea to two good friends of mine—a husband and a wife. I was to attend a wedding of another friend. But the wounds of my divorce were fresh. The last thing I “wanted” was to witness a marriage ceremony. That is when they dropped a ton of bricks on me. They said, “Do you think we want to go and hear them play ‘Daddy’s little girl’ and watch them dance with their daughter? David, our job is to show up and support our good friend and leave the rest to God.” You see, they had laid to rest their two-year-old daughter months earlier.

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Genesis Day 38: God in the midst of a mess

That title could fit many stories in the Bible—and many stories within the grand story of humanity. We make messes—serious messes—messes where people get hurt. He is God’s man, Abraham. He is trying to follow God. His history is pretty-good. By now you know it: he is not perfect. There are some events in the past (some messes, you might say), where he really miss-stepped. A few of them are never over. That is true in our lives, isn’t it?

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Genesis Day 36: When deep fears emerge…we can forget all we’ve learned

Any deep fears in your life? I don’t mean something sudden, like being held up at gunpoint. I mean some deep-seated worry or fear that rarely emerges... but when it does, you act irrationally.

There are one or two things in my life, that if they emerge, completely derail me. Why do I bring this up? Because that is what is going on with Abraham. Why I am convinced that Abraham has a “deep-seated fear”?

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Genesis Day 35: The End of the Line…

How many news stories are there, that when you hear them, you cringe?

And the reality is, they are not really new. You know what I mean. Certainly, the names of the people involved are new, but the base story isn’t. Same stuff, different people, year after year. Yet no matter how many times we hear the story, well, we still cringe.

I cringe as I read these eight verses from Genesis 19. They chronicle “the end of the line” for Lot. We won’t read any more of him.

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Genesis Day 34: When your heart is divided…

The phrase “a house divided cannot stand” was powerfully used by President Abraham Lincoln in his acceptance speech to become the Republican candidate for Senator for the state of Illinois. Sam Houston had used the image years earlier…and Jesus many years earlier. How about our hearts? What does it look like when our hearts our divided? Are we “able to stand”?

Why do I bring this issue of division up? Simple. There are a few different ways we could look at the text today.

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Genesis Day 33: Do you ever debate with God?

“Can’t I stay up for just 30 more minutes?” Ever heard that request from one of your kids? Ever made that sort of a plea to your parents when you were growing up?

As we get older, we weave logic into these pleas. We point out that we did all our chores, or that our friends get to stay out later, or… You know what I am talking about.

This sort of wrangling takes on a different tone in the Bible. A tone that makes me a bit uncomfortable.

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Genesis Day 32: Laughter is good for the soul

Every now and then I will laugh—a lot. After, whatever was so funny has passed, I always think, “I don’t do that enough!” Has that ever happened to you?

I am around people that laugh… some of them laugh a lot, and loudly.

Laughter: it is good for us. Sometimes we laugh “with” people, and other times we laugh “at” people. I wonder what God thought when Sarah laughed at His promise…

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Genesis Day 31: The Grace that is Circumcision…It’s no Joke!

Let’s play a quick game. Let’s make a list of things that we all would agree are not great for casual party conversation. Most people say religion and politics. Let’s try and be more specific.

Would you add circumcision to that list? I would. I cannot picture myself walking up to someone and saying, “Hey, don’t you think circumcision is great!” Or, “What do you think about circumcision?”

I like church sermons. Not so much the ones I preach, but the ones I hear from others. I have quite a few that are memorable. Some because they cut me to the heart. Others because they opened God’s Word for me in a way I have not seen. And a few… a few that were just downright funny. One such sermon was on circumcision…

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