Day 1: I'm sure! (Luke 1:1-5)

Day 2: I've got your back! (Luke 24:36–53)

Day 3: One-Way Doors (Acts 1:1-1:11)

Day 4: Waiting- Not My Strong Suit (Acts 1:12-26)

Day 5: The Holy Spirit and Hinges (Acts 2:1-13)

Day 6: Lift-Off (Acts 2:14-41)

Day 7: Doing Church- It can be hard (Acts 2:42-47)

Day 8: Living with Certainty- It's Never Private! ! (Acts 3:1-26)

Day 9: Can't we all just get along? (Acts 4:1-31)

Day 10: Everybody Loves Meetings (Acts 4:32–5:1-16)

Day 11: Be careful what you pray for! (Acts 5:17-42)

Day 12: Empowerment: A New Idea? (Acts 6:1-15)

Day 13: What's your story? (Acts 7:1-60)

Day 14: God's in the Middle of Sharp Turns (Acts 8:1-8)

Day 15: When God Chisels on You! (Acts 8:9-25)

Day 16: Keep Your Tools Sharp (Acts 8:26-40)

Day 17: U-Turns: Some are sharper than others (Acts 9:1-19)

Day 18: Can People Change? (Acts 9:20-31)

Day 19: Keeping The Main Thing...The Main Thing (Acts 9:32-43)

Day 20: Cosmic Connections (Acts 10:1-29)

Day 21: Why God’s Word—And Knowing God’s Word—Is so Important (Acts 10:30-48)

Day 22: Accountability: Good or Bad, and To Whom? (Acts 11:1-18)

Day 23: Can You Keep A Secret? (Acts 11:19-30)

Day 24: Prayer Works (Acts 12:1-19)

Day 25: The Pinnacle of Pride...Is an Abyss (Acts 12:20-23)

Day 26: Getting Our Bearings-Checking Our Course (Acts 12:24-13:3)

Day 27: Words- Which Ones to Avoid (Acts 13:4-12)

Day 28: Popularity or Persecution: Which Do You Choose? (Acts 13:13-52)

Day 29: I need to stop my insanity! (Acts 14:1-7)

Day 30: Do You Love Me? (Acts 14:8-23)

Day 31: Celebrate! (Acts 14:24-28)

Day 32: 7 Lessons from Acts of the Apostles (Acts 14:28)

Day 33: The CROSS + What? (Acts 15:1-5)

Day 34: When You Know You are Right! (Acts 15:6-11)

Day 35: Prime Standard Alignment – Huh? (Acts 15:12-35)

Day 36: Church is Never Perfect (Acts 15:36-40)

Day 37: Don't Miss This! (Acts 16:1-5)

Day 38: God and Doors (Acts 16:6-10)

Day 39: Jesus’ Focus is Unity with God (Acts 16:11-40)

Day 40: Living Upside Down (Acts 17:1-15)

Day 41: Knuckle-dragging, Uneducated, Arrogant…and other Christian Traits (Acts 17:16-34)

Day 42: Do you ever get discouraged as a follower of Jesus? (Acts 18:1-18)

Day 43: Notches on a belt- or relationships? (Acts 18:18-23)

Day 44: Serving God When You Feel Ill-Prepared (Acts 18:24-28)

Day 45: Sometimes You Never Know Your Impact (Acts 19:1-10)

Day 46: The Answer Is JESUS (Acts 19:11-20)

Day 47: Can't We All Just Get Along? (Acts 19:21-30)

Day 48: GOD, GPS & Perseverance (Acts 20:1-17)

Day 49: Tone & Relationship & God's Word (Acts 20:17-38)

Day 50: Lean Into The Team (Acts 21:1-26)

Day 51: Living with Passion, Purpose & Meaning (Acts 21:27-22:29)

Day 52: It’s not about St. Paul…It’s about God & YOU (Acts 21:22)

Day 53: God’s Motivation is Easy to Understand (Acts 22:30 – 23:10)

Day 54: God is in Control: Moving from Mere Cliché (Acts 23:11-35)

Day 55: God’s Willingness to be on Trial (Acts 23:35)

Day 56: The Judge & Truth & Peace (Acts 24:1-27)

Day 57: Ignoring God: Working Your In-Basket (Acts 25:1-23)

Day 58: What will you DO with Jesus? (Acts 25:23–26:32)

Day 59: Who is in control of your life? (Acts 27:1-38)

Day 60: God In The Shipwreck Of Our Lives (Acts 27:39–28:14a)

Day 61: Take Courage! (Acts 28:14b - 16)

Day 62: When You Finally Arrive: What Do You Expect? (Acts 28:17–29)

Day 63: To Arrive: Avoid Rabbit Holes (Acts 28:30)

Day 64: Finishing & Beginning (Acts 28:31)

The End of Acts!