Posts tagged Genesis 11
Genesis Day 22: Not another list!

By this point, I am not sure if I find the list a break from some of the global catastrophes, or not. Regardless, we have another list. At times in my reading, I welcome passages like this one. They give me a bit of a break. They slow me down. They let me ponder the text. Pondering lets me move from information to understanding. And I don’t know about you, but I don’t want more Bible information, I would rather have such deep understanding, that my life is transformed by God. So, what is God up to in chapter 11?

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Genesis Day 21: Learning from God

If you pause for a moment, you will notice that we have gone from a world-ending flood to a ginormous earth-shaking-language-confusing-event of sorts, that has scattered humanity across the globe.  The Bible is like summer blockbuster movie season! I write that not to be derogatory towards God’s Word, but to point out that you should not be finding this story boring… quite the opposite! More than entertainment, what might you and I be gaining from our reading in Genesis 11?

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