We come now to some of the richest, comprehensive, and most challenging teachings of Jesus. Across chapter five, six, and seven we have an encyclopedic listing of how we as children of God, as His followers, should behave.

I chose the word behave in the above sentence for a very specific reason. You see, as Jesus teaches on the various elements of the Law, it is natural for us to see his words requiring an even higher standard of conduct—and they do—yet I think Jesus is trying to make a deeper point.

Following Jesus requires a completely different value set; a completely different approach to life.

We read in the last chapter that many were coming to encounter Jesus. In this scene it is as if He is putting all on notice regarding what following the Nazarene is all about. 

In Matthew 6:8, Jesus says, “Do not be like them…” This thread runs through these chapters. The Christian life is an all-embracing life focused on the kingdom. All our work, our play, our speech, our thoughts—all are meant to be one coherent proclamation of God’s love in our hearts.

Anything at variance with such an aim is to be dismissed.

Yet how do Jesus’ words not simply become more and more restrictive rules piled onto my already guilt-ridden life? Let’s face reality. In the quiet moments of my morning, I already have a ready list of shortcomings to confess.

Perhaps the answer lies in understanding two points:

1.   Jesus is going to our inner motivations. 

2.   He is not piling on rules. He is inviting us to understand that the Law of the Bible has always been about our hearts. It is meant to “be a springboard for a life of devotion” rather than a straitjacket. 

In the language of today, we dialog about the difference between how a “rule” and how a “value” operates in our lives.

In a rule-based culture, your eyes are drawn to the boundaries, the limits. Your mind is taught the potential consequences of violating those limits. Satan uses his timeless methods to tease, taunt, and tempt you to cross the line, convincing you of the happiness you will experience. After all, aren’t you meant to be free!

I pray you see inherent pitfalls, even traps, in a rules-based culture.

In a values-based culture, your eyes are drawn forward and upward. You are less likely to look at the boundaries, and more likely to look at the destination. 

As we go through the Sermon on the Mount, we will come in contact with these values, but the values are not the destination. The destination is this case is a Kingdom Life with and for the King.

We must apply values-based thinking to our life of following Jesus. As we read, study, and seek to apply all in chapters five, six, and seven, the lens we do this through is critical.

When you think about following Jesus and his teaching, do you do so through a rules-based or values-based lens?