Ever had people plot against you? Ever been in a situation where you know that the conspirators are attacking you at one of your points-of-principle?

I expect Daniel knew what was going on around him. It did not matter. He was not going to change, even if it meant violating a worldly king.

It did not matter because Daniel was living with an eternal perspective. One blog post earlier, I shared a Francis Chan 5-minute video. In it he says, “Everything you do is either going to bring reward or regret.” If you did not watch the video, please do. Just click here. It is well worth the time.

Consider what was on the line for Daniel. He was positioned to be ruler over the entire kingdom. Wow! All he had to do was not pray to God so publicly, that’s all. 

Hadn’t he been faithful to God? Can you see people saying to him, “For such a time as this God has prepared you!” God knows you love Him, it’s okay…” I picture a chorus of compromise clamoring in his ears. 

Daniel did not flinch. He went to his room, opened his window, and prayed.

Today, you and I, as followers of Jesus, face this every day. 

The chorus is clamoring, clamoring for you to compromise.

How you respond matters—matters eternally. I am not suggesting that if you have given your life to Jesus, that your salvation is in jeopardy. I am suggesting that your behavior on earth has consequences, now and in eternity, for you and others.

Consider when you are out with your friends, and perhaps they are not quite following God’s Law.

Or at work, when integrity is being shaded.

Or still, what you allow your eyes to fall upon.

Our society today might say, “David, stop being a Puritan”. The tone in such a phrase turns what was once description of great esteem, into a label that denigrates. It is a classic ploy by those in the chorus. It is meant to silence. 

Or our society might say, “If you really loved the person, then…” Another ploy where we have somehow equated love with 100% agreement to anything and everything.

I sketch out these few observations not to discourage you, but to share that I believe you and I everyday face what Daniel faced—the world calling for us to abandon God.

What do we do?

We do what Daniel did. 

We go to our room and pray. Afterall, you are living for eternity.

Have you prayed today?