Posts tagged Luke
Day 52: He is Risen (Luke 24:13-53)

When we say we believe in the resurrection of Jesus, we are not proclaiming the eternal significance of an idea—nor are we saying that Jesus lives on in somebody’s memory or that his reappearances were simply visionary experiences. The confession of the Church of Christ for two thousand years has been, and must continue to be, an unequivocal conviction of the bodily resurrection.

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Day 40: Team Briefing #2 (Luke 16:1–17:10)

Jesus returns to his team. His comments are set against the religious of the day, their attitude and behavior. Jesus’ words are strong and spot-on. For his team, there will be many temptations. For his team, it will be easy to decide to let others serve them. Both are deadly. How many people today look at the church and consider it either corrupt, lazy, or both?

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