David J. Collum

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Mark 16:9-20

In the prior reflection I suggested that anytime we, and our world, is separated from God, it gets upside-down.

I further suggested that, as we are coming to the end of Mark’s Gospel, that we’ve witnessed Jesus put the world right-side up.

Now we read Mark 16:9-20, with the bit about snakes and venom, and perhaps our thinking is, “Really?”

Before you walk away, consider that image. 

Snakes, venom, disease, death; all powerful images of the world being askew.

It isn’t that this world is innately wrong. Rather, it is when we separate them from God; their Creator.

We get upside down all sorts of ways. We end up like the mice in the prior reflection, doing handstands with the blood draining to our heads. We become upside-down people walking about on our way to death. 

Understanding Right-Side Up Living 

Do you want to get your world right-side up? I do. It starts with each of us.

We need to be careful about a few pitfalls. 

w  Getting ourselves right-side up, doesn’t mean the rest of the world automatically becomes that way. Getting ourselves right-side up will mean we will be living in a world that has all sorts of things, good things, in the wrong place. 

w  Getting ourselves right-side up doesn’t mean we go around acting as if we have it all figured out. 

Getting ourselves right-side up, getting our feet on the ground, means we come humbly to Jesus. We seek his forgiveness and his help to live amidst the forces of this world that seek to dehumanize and enslave. 

Jesus puts us right-side up. We don’t.

Maybe your world seems upside down? Maybe you want to get it right-side up, but you don’t know how? 

In a moment I am going to explain how, but if I might just reinforce a point. 

Suggesting what I am suggesting can be misunderstood. 

I can sound as if I have it all figured out and, if you do what I am suggesting, that your life will be like a Shangri-La. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

What I am suggesting is based upon observing our world.

The wide and well-worn paths humanity has been following fail us. 

It is the narrow path of Jesus that gives us, not a perfect life, but a rich, at times hard, yet satisfying life.

Jesus puts our feet on solid ground. Jesus keeps us right-side up.

It is a daily process.

As we have read Mark’s Gospel, we have seen how firm and upright Jesus has been in the midst of all the upside-down-ness.

Getting Right-Side up for yourself—and staying that way 

Right-side up living is a daily process of living with Jesus.

We today, again, have the opportunity to get our feet firmly grounded. 

Maybe, you need to start?

Maybe, you are feeling that the powers of this world are beginning to make you dizzy? 

Maybe, you need to get off your hands and get your feet back on the ground? 

Often time people ask, “How?” The answer is you and I need to be with the one who has the power to keep our heads clear, Jesus.

Quite simply, we must believe Jesus is the Son of God. That he has defeated sin and death. That in Him you will have abundant life, now and for eternity. 

Please take a moment right now and reflect on where you are with your life.